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Heaven Fruit "pomegranate"

Pomegranate fruit is a delicious winter season are three types are all very fond of eating it:

  • Sweet
  • Sweet rap
  • Sour

Pomegranate is the best natural remedy for skin problems, liver function is valid,Remove toxins from the body and makes the best Blood,Pomegranate juice quenches thirst, digestion is good,This fruit tea is very useful for TB patients,Pomegranate slim body gets fat food,Pomegranate juice eliminates the chronic cough and is useful for sour pomegranate, diarrhea, and rash ,If you eat a pomegranate seed pepper and salt you will feel more hungry,The sour pomegranate blisters in the mouth is very useful for hepatitis (jaundice) blisters to disappear entirely from the pomegranate leaves boiled in water,There is the problem of urinary pomegranate.

If your blood comes from my gums and the complaints dried buds are off to fine powder and paste as you have strong teeth were vibrating.

Infants who can not sleep well, they must suck chewing pomegranate seeds.On white cumin, ginger, and black salt is sprinkled more food.

This is a great pomegranate grain is a grain of heaven to eat pomegranates and pomegranate heard that.

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