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Lemon benefit

Lemon whose birth is the precious fruit is king of the all fruit due to its countless qualities ,But due to our value is not considered unusual vegetable .He said the citric acid , calcium , potassium , iron , phosphorus and vitamins (a), has a wealth of (b) It is a rare combination of meats and starches maker of vitamins oily components and Finance (c) .

The peel , juice and seeds of all food ingredients and drugs to his fits week .The custom of blood purification , light heavy to digest food and to use this to make the stomach gas normal since ancient times .No vomiting and no one from the healing effects of nausea far . A cold fruit punch helps digestion of food use .Children aging helps to strengthen the arm bones .

It creates active relieve stomach with providing necessary calcium .Drinking lemon juice if they are used be made by combining 1/2 tea spoon of honey baby fat, and teeth found easily take out ۔ A cup of lemon juice and a little salt in the cold dark qhuy the benefits .

If abscesses , if pimples am leaving early cold boiled some milk and drink it before exploding into lemon juice, milk ,Soon will be recovered yellowness of teeth ends meet .The lemon juice and start shining teeth like pearls .Hard and rough is softened lemon juice on hand to meet their legs , and lemon peel on the skin color enhancement created by abrasives .

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