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The hand-off apricot mash and Health

Apricots also supply important source of pleasure and health.China his country called, where it is eaten cent of the body to manufacture the cells and rid the body of toxins.Research is also called the fair nutritious fruit.It is considered very effective for preventing aging fruit.The stone and fleshy fruit aroma and sweet taste is a natural sweet.After the season the sauce is also safe to eat and take pleasure.Compared to freshly dried apricots have more fun, they eat throughout the year we can increase health and energy.

Apricot vitamin Archive:

Fresh and dried apricots vitamins and mineral salts, is particularly important supply source of iron.In addition to vitamin A. Vitamin A and E are also.It contains iron, potassium and beta-carotene prevent aging by slowing down the process of  degradation in the body.

Fiber apricot:

It plays an important role in digestive assimilated fiber diet.Diseases of the apricot, the weakness of which is particularly noteworthy.Its main ingredient is beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body go, it is very useful to the eye.Apricot fiber counteract indigestion and constipation. Dietary fiber apricot is regular bowel movements.It is not constipation. The intestines do their job well fibers.
The ability to digest the food before eating apricot increases.I eat good old constipation eight apricots daily to eliminate proves to be very beneficial.

Deficiency of blood:

Apricots are high in iron.For those suffering from anemia Apricot is very useful.Symptoms of lack of blood meal, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, headache and tiredness goes away circa.

Break Fever:

Patients with glucose drink mixed fresh apricot juice is refreshing and feel joy.That we can include honey instead of glucose.It reduces the severity of cold fever.The means for quenching thirst and excludes any toxins from the body.

Heart problems:

Harmful LDL cholesterol levels of lycopene in heart apricot is clear down to arteries.The lycopene has been recognized as a useful and effective to prevent cancer.Stay clean is the heart arteries from cholesterol and other toxic effects.Moreover, he does not pose the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Apricot and cancer:

Apricot force increases the resistance.In case of low immunity disease like cancer heads.Also hinder the way for vitamins and dietary fiber in apricots cancer, especially bowel cancer reason why I failed to collect the parts of the fibers.

Skin complaints:

Apricot Since ancient times has been counted Hassan promising fruit.The ability to compete in a fast complaints because of the vitamin increases.The laptop also gives freshness and tenderness of the skin.

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